Thursday, June 10, 2010


Angry relatives of a poor child suffering from negligence of a doctor shout on a doctor, next day we find the discontented doctors not at their desks but sipping a cup of tea behind a banner that reads…


Agreed discontent, protesting against the injustice and espousing the cause of the weak is what has made human progress possible but…., is it justified to strike the work, send things out of gear, compel people to suffer with us just to ensure justice the way we want?

We may call it the GANDHIAN WAY OF PROTESTING, but ….First Gandhi espoused non-cooperation against the atrocities of the imperial govt. but we have our own govt. OF, BY our people, FOR our people. Secondly, more often than not, the Bandhs turn violent and go out of control. It happened with Gandhiji as well… but then HE WAS GANDHI… a spiritually enlightened person who could still control the masses with his love and commanding personality. Do we have any leader of that stature NOW?

Today, pseudo patriots and interest driven politicians camouflage non-issues or trivial issues and disrupt peace and life.


Why should you force people to put their shutters down and deprive them of their daily bread and butter? WHO GIVES YOU THIS RIGHT? Are you not jeopardizing someone else’s rights in the name of protecting yours?

There are alternate methods to show our resentment and fight injustice. Didn’t the march in favor of Jessica Lal help in getting her justice? Don’t we have our free press, our media to communicate our anger and anguish?

Bandhs today, instead of drawing attention to a long-standing grievance, have become a mischievous distraction pretending to favor a social cause when they are actually a stratagem for self-glorification. They demean the very cause they are supposed to promote. Did any political party come forward to help those children in Kerela who were thrown out of their school only because their parents were tested HIV+?

Public harassment, great loss of man hours and productivity, huge amount of damage to the public property, great loss to the economy…but we, we take it all with a big pinch of salt.

Oh no…I shudder, how can we claiming to be educated and enlightened support it? Ban the Bandhs please and save us otherwise we’ll be none else but HOLLOW MEN



1 comment:

  1. hey 1st i read ur 2nd post nd dis 1 is really amazing...

    u touched very concerned topic nd its really consecrated to normal public who claim to be doing good thing by calling the bandh nd they dont knw who(politicians) are taking advantage of their innocuous act(according to normal public)...

    keep on writing..
